1989DEC25 - Orphan's Christmas

AUS NT AliceSprings 1989DEC25 OrphansXmas 001  You cant' beat taking a dip in the middle of summer with some Crowny's and a few mates. : - DATE, - PLACES, 80's, Alice Springs, Australia, Day, December, Monday, Month, NT, Year  AUS NT AliceSprings 1989DEC25 OrphansXmas 002  Correction - that should be Crowny's, Corona's and Baily's. : - DATE, - PLACES, 80's, Alice Springs, Australia, Day, December, Monday, Month, NT, Year  AUS NT AliceSprings 1989DEC25 OrphansXmas 003  Must have been a big day??? : - DATE, - PLACES, 80's, Alice Springs, Australia, Day, December, Monday, Month, NT, Year